it's not just for me.. it's for us

it's not just for me,  it's for us 
let's live, we can't escape this rush? 

I mean yes, this wild rush, 
we can't avoid the life as such. 

it's tough as much, it's blessed as much, 
it's worth living, it's worth winning, 

and once one has companionship, 
of your mind-set one must worship, 

I want to live to the best of me, 

matters not one is he or she? 

let all these blooms belong us all, 
face life as such, blush or non-blush, 

let's live.. we can't escape this rush, 
let be it a rise, let be it a fall. 

you came in arms, moistened the palms, 
pulse grew bouncing, declining calms, 

oh love it's love all, pounding love 
and it's pure pang, who's hawk? 

who's dove? these lovely skies, these lovely stars 

are fruits of love or endless wars? 

come, hold my hand, it's tough and rough, 

don't go that far? it's all enough. 

don't kiss me if it comforts not, 
but touch me for, my veins are hot. 

please touch me, might I fail to live, 
if you can't take, why did you then give? 
it's not for me but for us both.

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