Because I’ll never forget you

You are the special one with whom I needn’t pretend,
You are always there when I need you just like a proper friend,

I didn’t think I did trust anyone the way that I trust you,
But you have this way about you and know how to get through,

I have told you things I have only thought about of silent dreams,

I couldn’t let out of life, emotions and trivial things,
Such things of which happiness brings.

I tell you if I am sad, or simply just confused,
You are always there to listen, but never to be used.

I tell me my secrets and what I am going through,
You are always there for me as I am for you.

Your friendship is a special gift, a lifetime it will last,
Look to the future now and never to the past.

New people you will meet, and many things you will do,
But never forget me, because I’ll never forget you...!!

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