times change, paths change, situations change

times change, paths change, situations change,
but there is one light which takes to the same destination.

people climb mountains only to find a piece of stone up there,
one wise man told me to take a piece of stone 
from the bottom and place it at the top.

stars guide the ships, 
the sun guides time,  defeat is guided my victory,
I want to guide the birds and make them learn to fly.

everything and anything in this world
has a destiny a purpose,
few contribute the world by being a menace,
I would like to contribute to this world 
by spreading the knowledge of love and care.

I was told that if I was really thirsty 
then God himself would make it rain on the earth.
I haven't been that fortunate,
but to my surprise have found an ocean 
beneath the very layer of this cold gray earth.

today I am ready to dig into it,
it may take me a day, a month or a year.
but I will definitely find a source.

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