let me free

I plead to you all let me free
of all your expectations,

I wanna get lost in the crowd,
I dont wanna be what u want me to be

I want to be myself, happy admiring those bright stars
I want to make a new start please let me….

I don't want to be there anymore, amongst those stars
I don't want to get noticed, I wan't to be myself,

whose deeds affect me and only me
each time I hurt you,  falling short of your expectations,

it hurts me too, it shatters me too,
I don't belong to here,

let me be rooted to my earth
don't keep me on the skies of ur expectations,

don't keep me in ur hearts
I don't have enough left in me.

I wan't to make a fresh new start…
this time I’ll draw margins around my heart,

beyond which I won't let anyone enter,
because I too have a heart that hurts
tears fall from my eyes too.

why should only I care?
why do only I have to explain

and each time it comes to me
why evrything is but understood..

you made me count the number of times I hurt you
what about the endless nights I haven't sleapt?

what about the moments I felt all alone?
what about the moments my heart pained

what about the endless seconds.. my eyes kept waiting.
what about the moments I wanted to cry? wanted to shout?

but didn't just because it may not hurt any of you
did you even once think that somthing can hurt me too

did you try to understand me?
I always valued your tears, 

I tried never to let you cry.

but did you even realize, what could make me cry?
I will shout today, I will cry, I will laugh like mad.

you want to go away, go leave me alone…
you all do what you want, I never stopped you

and you never stopped either
then why would I stop anyone today.

my heart is no longer ready to give you the authority
to rule over it

you may be my love, my sister, my brother…
try to be only a friend now

stop expecting from me
I have learnt to expect now

I want to be me again.
I am tired of seeing myself from your eyes,

I am tired carrying this burden,
I want to say what I want to

I want to express the way I want
I want to breathe freely
I want to live once againI want to make a new start.

this world of glory is not meant for me,
this brightness is blinding me,

too much of noise is killing me
I want to go back to my silence.

let me get lost into the crowd,
let me be amongst those many

dont try to find a jewel in me
I am an ordinary stone, 

who is very happy with what he is.

let me free, let me make a new start,
let me fly with my own wings
to that endless sky...!!

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