try to be different stick out from the rest

I am tired of everything being the same,
one more life another pointless game.

I am tired of looking at the knife,
hoping to die ending this meaningless life.

I am tired of looking for someone to hold,
when there’s no one there so 
I am left in the cold.

I am wanting to end this life I lead,
but instead I stay while in my dreams I fled.

I wish I could just up and die,
no one would care I was only to cry.

I wish I could help everyone,
but instead I can't their led to the gun.

I want to be the hero and save the day,
instead I have saved zero more lives to pay.

I don’t want you to hurt everyone out there,
just know that I am here and will forever care.

for I have been hurt countless times before,
and yet it just comes back always haunting me for more.

I don’t want you to suffer and hurt like I did,
for there’s to much pain I refuse to die as a kid.

and I hope you do the same because life has much to give,
it would be a shame if you decided not to live.

so the message to this poem is to always try your best,
and try to be different stick out from the rest.

cause you are strong and some day you will see,
that you can belong just as it came to me.

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